From My Known to My Next

Nicole Archer

After 15 years in a more “traditional” corporate setting, I accepted a gift from the Universe in June of 2019. A gift I asked for.

The potential consequences of leaving the Known, the Predictable, needed to be weighed still. However, I realized that the Known was not serving my need to learn at a cadence where I thrived. 

I am grateful for the opportunities afforded me in this previous chapter of life. I am where I am today because of that experience. In that metaphorical building, I picked locks, a few doors were held open, and I kicked in a number as well. I did have one or two doors hit me on the way out. 

The choice of leaving the organization that provided over 15 desks, while turning down the 16th, was the right one. I knew from experience what I needed was not in that new office, boss, or challenge. 

I knew that this knowledge was stronger than fear. It fed courage and faith in me to find what was Next. The summer of 2019 was an exceptionally strong job market, especially for one with my skill set and experience. I was ready to wait for the right fit. I would find my crafted Next. After a well-earned mini-retirement, of course. 

The Plan

Starting January 2020, after making the most of the window to do all the things I wished I had time to do, I would go after my Next. 

I would find a place where I could learn from those who thought differently than me, jump into a new industry that would bungee my comfort level just above the running river—a place where my experience, skills, and unique abilities would be celebrated and challenged. It would even taunt me to achieve more knowledge and accomplishment as I hung right over the edge. 

All of this would happen with a bonus self-righteousness because I would be using my powers for good, not evil. Courageous thinking and actions! Buck the Quo! I. Was. Ready. I had been stagnant for too long.

The Pandemic

After 1000s of resumes submitted, a dozen second interviews, and witnessing humanity’s new reality, I altered thresholds for my Next. I may have to return to my industry, I may have to make compromises on what the Next was like, although I firmly believe it is my choice on how an opportunity is perceived. I was, and am, grateful for what I have, what was afforded to me, and where I found myself this time. These compromises were not sacrifices. My strategy had to shift, so be it. 

The Process

About the time I was processing this shift, a dear friend reminded me of an opportunity for transformation, although I didn’t understand what that meant at the time: The Advanced Women’s Leadership (AWL) Experience with Bloombase. While this offer had been on the table for the past years, things had changed. The world had changed. I had changed. I needed to engage, I needed to push, I needed something different. 

Throughout the six-month experience in AWL, I had the opportunity to bring my abilities and background to assist with the growth that was planned and occurring within Bloombase. The mission: Create stabilization and support for the operations and technology of a team of talented individuals. Take the unwanted off their plate so they can do what they do best—create and lead change. I had to brush cobwebs off the card-catalog of experience in my archive. I had to relentlessly learn and absorb. I had to unlearn. 

It. Was. A. Blast. 

It is still a blast. 

I was surrounded by truly talented women with different perspectives than me, who respected and challenged me to do more, fueled by coaches and executives who invest in women. All that and I was giving my energy to a purpose. This was an amazing way to engage while I was finding my Next. *cue needle scratch across the vinyl* 

The Gift of Next

In December of 2020, Sheri, the Founder & CEO of Bloombase, began challenging me through the curiosity of what my Next would be. What I needed, wanted….what the Next looked and felt like. She knew what she was doing. In the weeks of having these conversations, I was smacked with an epiphany. The Universe, yet again, brought my gift.  

Inside the package I could:

●      Work with highly intelligent people who think differently than I do

●      Learn a new industry

●      Have my experience and unique perspectives appreciated while challenging me to do more

●      Channel my powers into a purpose

I just had to accept and unwrap this gift. 

The Partnership

I am living a GenX dream I didn’t think could ever occur in my paid professional life. The Next had manifested. After a few other internal journeys, I was ready to commit to a full-time, monogamous relationship with Bloombase. I took my dating profile off of Indeed and updated my status to “In a relationship” on LinkedIn. 

Although not quite a year from the first step in this journey, I am now officially a Partner and the COO of Bloombase. The complete faith I have in the mission, the people and purpose fuels me to join them on a mission to change the world regionally, nationally and internationally by guiding leaders in growth. 


The Beginning Has Been Quietly Forming: A Grounding for the New Month


Recommended Read: The Infinite Self by Stuart Wilde